It was a long wait at Rio for India.. For that satin strapped metallic circle.
But then, 3 phenomenal ladies made the nation hold their breath like no other. We hoped and prayed for them to win and they in turn hoped, prayed ‘and’ performed to win for the nation…
Hard to say whose was a stronger, more earnest desire for a win- the nation’s as a whole or the individual contestants’. There was almost a harmony there.
Almost as perfect in my opinion is when the organisation’s goals find echo in the individual’s goals.
It’s been a year since I have been a part of a small consulting firm with big dreams.
I feel and essay the same energy. I push my creativity, challenge my boundaries. It’s been a roller coaster and frankly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
From inception to where it is now.. Upgrade hr has done its team proud and vice versa.
There would be many of you out there in the corporate maze who mirror my thoughts. Where you feel as inspired and charged about contributing to the organisations growth as is the organisations’ expectation out of you….and I couldn’t be happier for you.
Let’s all experience the ‘your gold’ is ‘my gold’ moment!